LifeVitae is the platform that understands you, grows with you and helps you understand your developed and developing skills.

Everybody’s story is unique, defined by small and big LifeMoments that shape up an individual’s personality. LifeVitae helps you understand the soft skills you’ve garnered through these major LifeMoments.

LifeVitae not only provides you with a platform to curate your life journey, but gives you personalized feedback through your LifePowers and LifeStrength. The more you share, the more you learn about yourself.

Be Understood, not quantified

LifeVitae understands your uniqueness through your LifeAchievements, LifePassions, LifeMoments and LifeStrengths and suggests you streams, career pathways, books and courses based on who you are.

Be celebrated for who you are

We are imperfect individuals, with our own set of strengths, weaknesses and quirks. LifeVitae is all about celebrating this individuality. It celebrates all your achievements, curricular or extracurricular, your interests and hobbies and takes into account the moments in your life that made who you are today.

See what our users are saying

Join the growing community of your peers to discover your strength map, your learning resources, higher education options, and career pathways. Gain access to mentors, experts, alumni, and much more with us.

  Contact us at if you have any questions.