Frequently Asked Questions


LifeVitae is the world’s first platform for curating your life experiences into a compact profile of your life’s milestones, achievements, strengths and much more. These are moments that truly define you and make you unique.

We realized that every human being wants to be valued and appreciated for the full spectrum of who they are. Not just an “engineer with 3 years experience” or a “mother who took a 5 year break in her career”.

In the future, we believe that every significant human interaction at work – recruitment, on-boarding, team bonding, vendor/partner selection, and coaching – will be accompanied by an updated LifeVitae.

As a school student, we'll help you chart out your future learning paths as well as career paths. We'll guide you to suitable learning resource options, faciliate your counsellor appointments, and provide you with higher education options suited for you. All the recommendations will be personalised based on your academic abilities and your human skills.

Creating your LifeVitae

Create your LifeVitae by accessing the website your school would have sent you. Click on "New Student Registration" and providing your Email ID and Unique School ID. A step-by-step tour will lead you to your very own LifeVitae! You can also view our tutorial video or view a sample profile under "How-To Guides" to get a better idea of how it works before you begin.

LifeProfile is your basic information which includes details such as your name, name of school, languages spoken etc.

LifeLine is a timeline of significant events/milestones that mark your life's highest and lowest points, be it personal or professional.

LifeAchievements are the accomplishments that matter to you and highlight your successes in your life journey. They can be curricular or extra-curricular accomplishments.

Curricular LifeAchievements refer to academic or school subject-relatated achievements.

Extra-curricular LifeAchievements refer to your success stories in competitions, events, or in the clubs and societies you might be a part of.

LifePassions are things that you're interested in - your hobbies or causes that you're deeply connected to. It could even be a new sports activity that you've incorporated into your life. What makes your heart soar?

LifeMoments is the most important part of your LifeVitae profile. This section enables you to show your character in times of adversity and success.

Discover your LifeStrengths using our AI and data science strength profiling tool. Once you input your information, selected strengths will be populated, and then you will get to choose the strength that relates best with the details you provided.

Privacy & Sharing

Your LifeVitae can be viewed by the following groups of people:

i. Your school teachers, administrators, and/or counsellors who have been given viewing rights.

ii. Your parents.

iii. Anyone that you give access to by sharing your unique shareable link with them.


Yes, certain sections of your LifeVitae Profile can be downloaded in a PDF format.